• Question: What has been your favorite experiment involving light?

    Asked by lumiereclair to Mark, Matthew, Mike, Paul, Sabina on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Mike Lee

      Mike Lee answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      The first demonstration of the laser… People said at the time there was no practical use for lasers, but today they are everywhere. Plus, laser light is amazing.

    • Photo: Matthew Malek

      Matthew Malek answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      My favourite experiment with light is LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory.

      Gravitational waves are small ripples in the fabric of spacetime. According to Einstein’s general relativity, spacetime tells matter how to curve and spacetime tells matter how to move. Moving matter doesn’t immediately change spacetime everywhere, though. The changes flow outwards at the speed of light. So anytime that you or I move, we are making tiny changes in the shape of spacetime.

      Although general relativity predicts gravitational waves, they have yet to be detected. That’s because they are very very small. Big events, like colliding black holes, may make gravitational waves big enough for us to detect. That’s where the laser light comes in.

      As you may already know, we can treat light as a wave in certain conditions. It has a wavelength, and if you add two beams of light, you combine the heights (or “amplitudes”) of the waves at any given point. If you have two waves of light that are identical EXCEPT for being exactly out of phase, then their amplitudes are always exactly opposite and adding them together gives a big round zero — nothing detected. This is called “destructive interference”.

      Anyway, gravitational wave detectors like LIGO take a beam of laser light and split it into two parts. Each part goes down a long (4 km) tunnel, hits a mirror, and comes back. The two tunnels are perpendicular to each other (this will be important later). On return, the two halves are recombined and go into a detector. The catch, as you may have guessed, is that the experiment is designed so that they return out of phase and, due to the destructive interference, nothing is detected.

      Now let’s say that a colliding pair of black holes has caused a ripple in spacetime via graviational waves. In that case, the path of one laser beam will be a tiny bit shorter (or longer) as the wave passes through. The difference is astounding tiny — smaller than even a proton! On its own, we could never detect such a distance… but it changes the phase of the light so that when the beams are recombined, they are no longer exactly out of phase. Instead of complete destructive interference, a bit of laser light reaches the detector.

      This hasn’t happened yet, but it should be possible. Gravitational waves are not new physics; they are predicted by general relativity. We just haven’t seen them yet. Once we can detect them, then the fun begins! We have learned so much about the universe by studying the light from the cosmic microwave background. But that only goes back to when the universe was 380,000 years old. Before then, the universe was not transparent to light. Gravitational waves have no such limitation; if we can find a cosmic background of gravitational waves, we could learn so much more about the early universe!

      So that’s my favourite experiment with light: Using lasers in underground tunnels to look for ripples in spacetime — each much smaller than an atom — caused by colliding black holes. Pretty cool, huh?

    • Photo: Paul Coxon

      Paul Coxon answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      My favourite experiment involving light is the National Ignition Facility in California – real BIG science, with real BIG lasers!

      The end goal is to recreate nuclear fusion whereby hydrogen atoms are squeezed together to make helium atoms, such as happens in the Sun. When that occurs, a lot of energy is released. It could mean the answer to the world’s energy problems, but is very hard to achieve – so far only the Sun can do it.


      To achieve this, scientists there are using a collection of 192 super-powered laser beams which are focused into a gold chamber. This converts the lasers’ energy into X-ray pulses. These X-ray pulses are concentrated onto small fuel pellet containing deuterium and tritium, both isotopes of hydrogen. For a tiny fraction of a second, these beams can focus 500 TRILLION watts of power — more power than is being used in that same time across the entire United States — onto a target about 5mm wide. This squeezes the pellet and causing it to implode and briefly undergo fusion.

      It’s a fantastic project but has been making slow progress, but recently some major milestones have been reached. Last November the lasers managed to deliver about 10 kilojoules of energy to the fuel pellet, which released roughly 15 kilojoules.

    • Photo: Mark Jackson

      Mark Jackson answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      Since the 1860’s astronomers knew something very kooky was going on with Mercury. Its orbit kept precessing, or rotating, far more than predicted under Newton’s law of gravity. But this law had worked perfectly for 200 years – what was happening? In 1915 Einstein published his General Theory of Relativity, which found slight corrections to Newton’s theory when the gravitational field was very intense – like near the sun, as Mercury was. And although Einstein’s theory correctly predicted the perihelion shift of Mercury, this wasn’t really a *pre*-diction, but rather a *post*-diction, which is not nearly as impressive (see my answer at http://goo.gl/mL4CEZ). How could Einstein prove that his new theory was correct?

      One other consequence of General Relativity was that light would also experience a gravitational pull (in Newton’s theory it was only matter which did). So light passing by the sun would be slightly bent, hitting the Earth in a slightly different place than having a straight path. And it just so happened that precisely these conditions were coming up soon: the total solar eclipse of 1919. An expedition to an island off the west coast of Africa was led by astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington, who measured the light arriving precisely as predicted by General Relativity. The headlines in world newspapers read “Einstein Theory Triumphs,” and a completely new understanding of the Universe began. Later asked how he would have felt had he been wrong, Einstein replied “I would have felt sorry for God. I knew I was correct.”
