• Question: Would T-Rex die of starvation if it fell over, it can't self-right himself with such tiny arms so it would've just starved surely?

    Asked by einsteinsmoustache to Mark, Matthew, Mike, Paul, Sabina on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Matthew Malek

      Matthew Malek answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      I’m no expert on dinosaurs, but one thing about the evolutionary process is that is creates a certain degree of resiliency in species that survive. I agree that the tyrannosaur’s arms are too puny to lift that great weight, but it must have had other means of righting itself. Look at a giraffe — they have no arms at all, but they can stand up! 🙂

    • Photo: Mike Lee

      Mike Lee answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Surely, with that massive tail, it would have no problem standing up. Sheep, however, can get stuck on their backs and need flipped back over.

    • Photo: Mark Jackson

      Mark Jackson answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      According to a documentary I watched called “Jurassic Park,” T-Rexes most enjoy eating lawyers while they are sitting in toilet stalls (the lawyer is on the toilet, not the T-Rex). The T-Rex could prepare for catastrophic falls in advance by strategically placing toilet stalls equipped with ambulance sirens around its domain. This would attract lawyers to use the stalls, ensuring the T-Rex had a plentiful food supply if he lost mobility.

    • Photo: Paul Coxon

      Paul Coxon answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Now all I can think about is poor Barney on the floor struggling to get up.

      Poor Barney 🙁 *cries*
